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How did you hear about Nellie?

I stumbled across BDRUK on Facebook when a friend shared a post. I clicked into the post and then found the website. From there I spotted Nellie (she was Tedy then) who sounded perfect for me and my dogs. I already have a Romanian rescue dog plus an elderly German Shepherd from a UK rescue.

How do you prepare for your Nellie’s arrival?
I’ve previously fostered for both a Romanian and a couple of UK-based rescues, so I did what worked well before by setting up a big crate with a comfy bed in it and a blanket over the crate to create a ’cave’. I was told Nellie would be nervous so I hoped that would give her a safe space to retreat to if she felt overwhelmed. Nellie had different ideas however – she didn’t like the idea of a crate and was curled up on the sofa by the end of the first day, so I took it down and she sleeps in one of the dog beds or on the sofa.

Initial impression of Nellie?
Nellie arrived at 4.30am – she came straight to me from the transport company who carried her into the house as she was very nervous. She was happy to be around me and for me to stroke and cuddle her though, and started to relax quite quickly. Once it started to get light I took her in the garden (on a harness & lead, plus slip lead) – we just pottered round and round while she sniffed.

How did introductions to your other animals go?
She met my two dogs with no issues at all – she seemed relieved that there were other dogs here, and she copied their toilet habits. It meant that I didn’t have to do any toilet training – she taught herself on the first day and she hasn’t had a single accident in the house! She met my cats when she arrived too – she’s very curious about them and wants to sniff them a lot but doesn’t mean them any harm.

How did Nellie settle in the first few days?
She slept a lot in the first few days, I think she was exhausted from the stress of leaving her home and all the travelling. She didn’t eat much in the first few days either but she eats fine now. We have no food issues – she shows no sign of possessiveness when there’s food about and is very gentle taking treats.

How is Nellie doing now?
I knew Nellie had been walked by her rescuer, so I started taking her for very short walks about a week after she arrived. I used an escape-proof Mountain Paws dog harness and lead plus a slip lead the first few walks just in case, but she stuck to my side like glue so now she’s just on a harness and lead. She absolutely loves her walks – she gets so excited I struggle to get her harness on as she’s wriggling so much. And she squeals with excitement the whole time!

She travels really well in the car – spends the whole time looking out of the window. She also loves the sofa and curls up on it every evening. Nothing seems to bother her – she doesn’t care about noises like the hoover or the washer at all – and she settled into our routine with no trouble at all.
She’s still a little shy with new people but is starting to show her playful side with my dogs. My Romanian dog Henry loves to play chase around the garden – Nellie is starting to play it with him, so he’s besotted with her. I worried that Henry might be too much for her but she’s the perfect match for him.
Although she only arrived a month ago it feels like she’s always been here – she’s so cheeky and curious I can’t imagine life without her.

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