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How did you hear about Dillon?
I came across Dillon via a Facebook post from a friend and have rehomed via rescue organisations before.

How did you prepare for Dillon’s arrival?
The house can easily be divided into various spaces if Dillon needed a safe space.

Initial impression of Dillon?
Dillon was in UK foster in Moray, and was in kennels for some time prior to entering foster care. When Dillon arrived on the 24th with his foster parent, he appeared healthy, happy, mildly inquisitive, and not too interested in cats. He arrived freshly groomed and is clearly a well-loved pet.

How did introductions to your other animals go?
They were and have remained fine. Dillon is food possessive even if it’s not his, but we have sorted through establishing set meal areas and Dillon and other pets are respecting boundaries. Dillon is a bit greedy and could easily over-eat so he is pretty strictly limited to times and amount that he eats. He is exceptionally well behaved in the house and has had no accidents or marking of territory.

How is Dillon doing now?
Dillon appears to be settled in and is growing in confidence in accessing his way around the rear garden and running to the back door. He walks well on a lead and enjoys a walkalong the foot path by the sea. Dillon enjoys meeting other dogs and my neighbour has a dog of similar size and age and they enjoy lounging together in one of our living rooms.
He is not a clingy dog, but he barks and whines throughout any absence of me from the house. This may dissipate as he becomes more familiar with and claims ownership of space. He has adopted the bed and bedroom as his safe space and navigates well to that space when he wants to take a nap or relax. He does like to sleep in the kitchen on a dog bed if I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
He’s a joyful dog and does bark when he thinks a cat can be chased away from their food.... again, it’s all a learning process. He is not hindered in the house or garden by poor vision and hearing. He enjoys when visitors stop by and is very, very well behaved. He only jumps up to see me and never jumps upon a visitor. He likes to sit on the couch if I sit on the couch – preferring to sit next to me verses a stranger.

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